Slam poetry debut!

Hi everyone!  Thanks so much for subscribing!  I promise to keep posts short and only frequent enough to keep things interesting….

I had my slam poetry debut last Friday at “Final Friday” at Winnings Coffee House.  It was an incredible show hosted by slam champs Damien Flores and Jazz Cuffee, and with a feature by the super unique Esmé Vaandrager.  Many in attendance felt even the open mic was better than many slams — that is to say all the performances that night were awesome, and I was thrilled to be in the company of such talent and cool people.

Anywho I made the second round — not too bad for a first time slammer!  🙂  Truth be told I was unprepared to make the second round, and the poem I brought was too long.  Even without the time penalty I missed placing by .1 points.  WOW!

Want to see what you missed?  Check out the video on my “performances” page under “poetry” or just click here!

See you at the next show!

P.S. A few of you have asked to see/listen to my music.  It’s coming — right now I’m focused on poetry, but I think I’m going to be doing some shareable music sooner rather than later!

1-2, 1-2, is this thing on?

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